Whole Class Musicianship
Whole Class Musicianship
At Roundwood Primary School, we feel it is imperative that all children get the opportunity to learn to play a collection of musical instruments through whole class musicianship in the hope that many will develop a passion for the skill, creativity and escapism it offers. Pupils can then choose to learn an instrument and have individualised tuition at school with tutors they have formed relationships with through whole class work.
Roundwood Primary School is proud to work in partnership with Bucks Music Trust.
As a part of Bucks Music Trust's commitment to the Core Role of the National Music Plan, the Whole Class Practical Musicianship (WCPM) programme is designed to supplement a school's music curriculum by teaching children musical skills through each of them playing a musical instrument.
Each year, our Year 3 pupils will benefit from:
- Direct delivery of 33 lessons with 2 assembly/concert performances
- Developing musical skills and understanding through practical learning of instrumental skills, rhythm work, singing and basic theory
- Developing key transferable skills that improve outcomes across the curriculum
- Leading pupils into instrumental learning – especially where schools support Large Group teaching (4 – 6 pupils) in the follow-on year
We look forward to seeing you at one of our concert’s very soon.
For more information about what Bucks Music Trust offer, please visit their website below.