Parent Representatives
At Roundwood Primary School, we have a parent representative from each class that meets with the Senior Leadership Team to look at what's working well and what parents and carers would like the school to consider moving forward.
Parent representatives are not in place to complain to. They are there to simply work with the school and to act as a parent voice in decision making.
Please see your parent representative and contact details below.
Year Group | Parent Representative | Parent Representative number
Foundation | Abbi Morrison
| 07445 104365 |
Year 1 | Angela Jones
| 07939 528617 |
Year 2 | Hannah Westcott
| 07525 174072 |
Year 3 | Sophie Baden
| 07999 352480
Year 4 | Phoebe Brown
| |
Year 5 | Steph Partridge
| 07377 423546 |
Year 6 | Sabrina Rubio | 07712 210431 |